
Why I “Count it all Joy” Wednesday

I am filled with JOY because the word says to be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ.  1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
I am filled with JOY because my son-in-law found a new job with good pay and not too far from home.  Praise the Lord!!
I am filled with JOY because it might be cloudy and stormy today, but yesterday the sun was shining and it was beautiful out.
I am filled with JOY because I moved to Level 2 on the 30-Day Shred and I am not dead.  I love my Shred Sisters!!
I am filled with JOY because I serve a mighty God
I am filled with JOY because even though my son, Shane, is leaving Friday for 2 weeks of military training to get ready for his deployment to Afghanistan, in early 2011, for now he will be stateside and safe!!
I am filled with JOY because the Lord has done great things for us...Psalm 126:3
I am filled with JOY because I ran into the doctor who delivered my babies the other day.  I’ve known her for 26 years and love her dearly.  She is a tiny little lady from India.  She retired several years ago due to an accident which caused her to lose an eye.  When I asked her how she was, she boldly told me she quit the temple and all the idol worship and she spends all her time with the Lord and teaching scripture to her grandkids!!  Hallelujah!!
I am filled with JOY because my sweet husband works close enough to home that I usually get to see him at lunch time.  This came in real handy today.  One of the twins, being funny while playing with Ella, tied a dog-on-a-string around his waist (it wasn’t a small dog either). Unfortunately, when he was ready to be done, the knot had tightened and the more he tried to get it undone, the tighter it got.  He tried sliding it down over his hips, he tried sliding it up over his head, but all he got was a tighter knot.  Lucky for him, we were going to see Dad for lunch and with the help of some small pliers, he was able to remove the dog from his waist!!

I am filled with JOY because a happy heart makes the face cheerful, but heartache crushes the spirit.  Proverbs 15:13.  I’m so glad because I love to laugh and smile!!
I am praying you are all having a week filled with the JOYS of the Lord!!
Counting it all Joy!!


Saleslady371 said...

I am filled with joy reading this. Awesome about the doctor from India! Thank you to Shane for serving our country and keeping us safe. May God bless him and keep him in the Palm of His hand!

Mich said...

Love your list of "joys." What a great story about your doctor friend. That calls for a happy dance. :)

So glad your son-in-law found a job too. What an answered prayer.

Happy Wednesday, friend!

Loren said...

LOLOLOLOLOLOL....that dog thing is cracking me up!
YAY your SIL found a job!!! WOOHOO!
Can you believe these storms! WOWOWOWOWOWOW!
Level 2 is a killer! Today I didn't have any distractions and OMG it was so much harder than I originally thought but ...I'm not dead either ;)
Thank you Shane for your Service!
HOW AWESOME about your doctor...that makes me want to cry! God is sooo good!


He & Me + 3 said...

I am so happy that your SIL found a job. That is awesome and God is so good.

Warren Baldwin said...

What a great list! Particularly happy for your son-in-law and for your son still being stateside that long. I am praying for the war to end so these young people won't have to even go anymore.