Why I “Count it all Joy” Wednesday

I am filled with JOY because I finished Day 3 of the 30-Day Shred this morning and I am still breathing, a little harder than normal, but that’s okay!!
I am filled with JOY because even though I have a growing stack of books to review, I’m getting through them this week and will be able to post several real soon.  To link to my book reviews click here
I am filled with JOY because yesterday when I read my friends blog, she mentioned having fresh green beans and new potatoes in the crock pot and I was so jealous.  Oh my, that so sounded good, I told my son I have to fix that real soon.  Later in the day, I got a sale ad from the grocery store where I shop and, you guessed it...fresh green beans are on sale starting today!!  Isn’t it wonderful to be blessed even in the small things!!  I love it.
I am filled with JOY because my oldest son crashed his new car over the weekend and even though there is a tremendous amount of damage to both cars, no one was hurt. Thank you Jesus!!!
I am filled with JOY because the little girl I tutor is doing great and her parents brought me beautiful flowers as a thank you!!!

I am filled with JOY because my daughter and son-in-law are raising my little princess to love Jesus.  She just walked in here, folded her little hands under her chin, and showed me how she likes to pray.
I am filled with JOY because I made reservations at a hotel in California for our vacation and was a little disappointed at the price tag on lodging.  The JOY part would be yesterday, my husband received an email from the brother of a co-worker who works for a large hotel chain and offered us the friends and family discount, which is less than half of what we were expecting!!  Praise you Jesus!!!
I am filled with JOY because my middle son, Drew, worked hard and finished his first year at ORU with a 4.0!!!  Go Drew, I am so proud of him!!
I am filled with JOY because this weekend is our 20th wedding anniversary and we are going into hiding.  Alone time with my honey doesn’t come easy around here!!  Thank you Jesus for 20 wonderful years with my wonderful husband.
I am filled with JOY because Jesus loves me all the time!!
“But let all who take refuge in you rejoice; let them sing JOYFUL praises forever.  Spread your protection over them, that all who love your name may be filled with JOY.”  Psalm 5:1
Why are you filled with Joy?
Counting it all Joy!!


Steph T. said...

Congrats on 20 years!! U fill me with Joy just by reading all your joys! We should share our joys more often so we can see what GOd is doing in our lives. Thanks! I might just have to do this myself!

Heart2Heart said...


Praising God right along with you with a hearty AMEN after each of your joyfilled statements. The Lord truly is good and is working in your life in a mighty way. So glad that you and your hubby are getting away this weekend to celebrate your 20th Anniversary. Congratulations!

Love and Hugs ~ Kat

Mich said...

Your list of "joys" always puts a smile on my face. Thanks, friend! I needed a little bit of that joy today.

Happy Wednesday!

He & Me + 3 said...

YOu are so sweet. That is so awesome that your son got a 4.0. Woo hooo. You must be so proud. So glad the noone was hurt in the crash. Hope that you and hubs have the best time.

Loren said...

I am just smiling at your joyfulness!
Shredding with you brings me joy!
Green beans on sale woohoo...mine were fabulous! Best I had ever made and I have no idea what I did different LOL
Sooo glad Shane is ok! That.is.so.scary!
How wonderful to see the fruits of your labor and to be appreciated! Love that!
Favor of the Lord is awesome and HE pours it over you when you least expect it !!! YAY for the discounted price!
Go Drew!!!! 4.0 wooohoo

Ella is just precious!

but so is her nanny! LOVE YOU

Beth Herring said...

OH, I am just filled with joy with you and FOR you! You are such a breath of fresh air to me.

I know that you are a proud grandmother just like me. I just can't get enough of those babies!

LV said...

You are blessed in so many ways. Happy to hear your son was not seriously injured. So much joy on your post spreads to others.

bp said...

That is so exciting to receive a discount on the lodging! Your flowers are pretty, thanks for sharing. Hope you are having a great Thursday!