As most of you know, my son-in-law will be losing his job in September. He has been applying, sending out resumes, and has had a few interviews this week, Praise the Lord!! We are all believing for him to be diligent in seeking the Lord for what He wants in this situation. Anyway, while reading this morning, for some reason I was thinking about a Letter Of Recommendation. He has worked for the same company for 8 years and I don’t know if they do those letters or not, but it sure got me thinking...
If we had a Letter of Recommendation from the only One who matters, what would it say? Would we want anyone to see it? Would we be proud of all it said or would there be parts we wouldn’t want anyone to see? I know I try hard to live the life Christ wants me to live, but I also know sometimes I fail miserably. Do I do everything with excellence? Do I try my hardest, do I do the best I can? Does it matter if I am doing something as menial as cleaning the toilet or as huge as teaching my kids to love Jesus, shouldn’t I do it all to the best of my ability?
So I remind myself, or He reminds me, of Proverbs 31, our perfect example of what we are to do as moms and wives and how we are to do it, with EXCELLENCE!! All of it!! Not just the part we enjoy, or the part we feel we are good at, even the hard parts, even the parts that take us completely out of our comfort zone. Would my letter of recommendation look anything like that? I know we all have strengths and weaknesses, I know there are parts of my letter that would look a lot like that woman, but I am also just as sure there are parts that would be lacking.
Ecclesiastes 9:10 say, “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it will all your might...”
1 Corinthians 10:31 says, “Whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all to the glory of God.”
In those verses, the words “whatever your hand finds to do” and “whatever you do” both point to the importance of doing our very best in everything we do!!
Thank you Jesus for being so gentle with me, for showing me areas in my life that are lacking and helping me work on them. Thank you for loving me unconditionally, lacks and all. Help me keep Your ways and Your will first. Help me to get me out of the way so I can always see You more clearly.
Counting it all Joy!!
Sorry about the delete above. Loved this post though and it's something I needed to hear right now. Thanks for sharing.
OUCH! You were preaching to me today, friend. Here I am on my lunch break feeling sorry for myself as i look around at my messy house... guess i had better put a smile on my face and get to cleaning tonight after work.
Thank you. Sometimes it helps to be reminded of the simple tasks we are called to do as moms and the joy found there, even when it's messy.
Happy Thursday!
I'm so grateful that with all these ever changing and unstable economy we are all facing, we can rejoice that our God doesn't change.
He will be faithful to complete the work He started in each of us. Glory to God! God bless you and may He provide a great opportunity for your SIL.
This was similar to a devotional I got in my email this morning about the aspects of the Proverbs 31 woman and doing those things with her hands, with joy, not grumbling about how inconsiderate people are when we moms do everything. It is to be done with love and gratitude and truly blessing our families in all we do everyday. Let the enemy not steal our joy!
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
I love it when we get the gentle reminders and then at other times they aren't so gentle but lovingly firm to reasess our minds and hearts and change our attitude!
I will be praying with you for these interviews trusting the Lord to open HIS door and close every other door that is not of HIM!
Love you!
Wow girl. Another awesome post that really gets me thinking and motivated to be the best I can be for HIM! I love how you relate God to everyday things...because He is the center of your day & life. Love that you share them with us.
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