

What a beautiful weekend we had!!  This week is supposed to be sunny and already in the 90’s here.  Summer is showing up in a big way now!!  I just love the lazy days of Summer!!
Shane left Friday for the first of three training sessions he will have to attend before deploying to Afghanistan in early 2011.  It’s a hard process to start.  Very joyful because I know he will be back in June this time, but hard because I know the end result is a year long deployment. 
Anyway, we got a call this morning from his bank and there are fraud charges on his debit card.  Someone in Virginia is using it like crazy.  His account is now overdrawn and they have started denying charges, which is good.  The worst part though is, they have cancelled his debit card which is his only way to get money or buy anything he needs, including food.  He did take a little cash, but not much.  The bank says it will take 7 to 10 days to get another card which has to be mailed to me and then I would have to overnight it to him, this whole process will take way too long.  Needless to say, we are trying to figure out the best way to get him one of our credit cards or our daughter, who works at a bank, is looking in to loading a visa and sending that to him.  
All this to say, please pray for Shane to have peace and to continue to look to Jesus, and for a quick solution to this situation.  When our guys are training to deploy, they have enough to deal with without having something like this distract them.  I know Jesus has His hand on Shane and his team, I am just praying and believing they will feel His hand on their lives like they never have before.
The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Deuteronomy 31:8
Thank you all for being my bloggy friends, for praying for me and my family, and for always encouraging me.  You all are AWESOME!!
Counting it all Joy!!


Mich said...

prayers sweet friend.

I have had my identity stolen before. It is not fun.

I can't imagine having my baby boy go in the military and all they have to do. But I am so glad there are brave young men who have that calling. And I am thankful for the mommies who share their babies with our nation.

May God grace all of you with His perfect peace.

Heart2Heart said...


Praying as always that God will come through for Shane on this need and he will have what he needs before he leaves.

What a shame that this has to happen. I am wondering how they gained access to his information. I love services like LifeLock that really help to combat things like this. Makes me really want to consider it.

Love and Hugs ~ Kat

Andrea said...

Thank you so much for your prayers for my friend, MaryGrace. GOD BLESS you and I pray all will work out for you guys.
Blessings, hugs, and prayers,

Mari said...

I'm so sorry that Shane is having to deal with this. Bad enough to not have a card to use, but when you have to worry about the rest of it, it's just crummy. Praying for Shane - and you too!

Jennifer {Studio JRU} said...

Praying for this to be resolved quickly so it is not a distraction from his training. Praying for a safe deployment for Shane and his unit.

Loren said...

Oh Bless his heart! Since I am just catching up and read from top to bottom now I know what you meant and that it is all cleared up !! PRAISE THE LORD!!

Praying for him and all of you !

Love you