
Testing 1 2 3

We had a fabulous weekend full of church, family, food, and lots of fun.  I had every intention of getting up this morning, having my quiet time, and giving you a picture tour of the highlights, but during my quiet time, while reading in one of my devotional books, my eyes landed on - Deuteronomy 8:2  “Remember how the LORD your God led you through the wilderness for these forty years, humbling you and testing you to prove your character, and to find out whether or not you would obey his commands.”
You know, the part where God was leading the Israelites in the wilderness for forty years to humble them, prove them, and to see if they would keep His commandments.  My devotional said - Tests come in hard times, not good times, because not everything God asks us to do is going to be easy.  That is why He tests us to see if we are ready and able before He promotes us to a higher level of responsibility.
I sat here thinking about our responses or reactions to the little things in life, you know, like how we act at a restaurant if the wait is WAY longer then they said it would be, or how we respond to our kids when we feel we have told them the same thing over and over, or what about that customer service person we speak to after being overcharged on our cell phone bill and it seems no matter what we say we can’t get through to them, or what about our spouses, do we snap at them sometimes in frustration? 
So many times we get so caught up in how we behave in the big things that we forget how important the little things are, we respond so positively to our boss who is asking for (in our opinion) the impossible, but we get frustrated at our kids or spouse for something not nearly so impossible.  James 1:2-4 - you know my COUNTING IT JOY verse talks about the testing of our faith developing perseverance, and it says perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.  
You know, it’s in these times of trouble or testing that we get the best picture of who we really are.  Oh my, that’s not always so wonderful for me to think about!!  I know, I try to react in a good, or positive way, but I also know sometimes I fail miserably.
My devotional said - God is not impressed with what we say we will do, He is impressed with what we prove we will do under pressure!!   
There it was again, a true picture of who we are should be taken while we are under pressure!!  James 1:12 says, “ God blesses those who patiently endure testing and temptation.  Afterward they will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love Him.”
Thank you Jesus for always reminding me of the little (and sometimes big) things in my life that need attention.  I know there will always be tests and trials but I also know if you could stand the cross, I can surely stand the trials of my life.  Thank you for your promise of the crown of life because I do love you so!!

Don’t forget, tomorrow is Why I Count It All Joy Wednesday!!  Grab my button, make your JOY list, and come back tomorrow and link up.  JOY is contagious, spread some around, and see how it changes your world!!
Counting it all Joy!!


Heart2Heart said...


This post is so very true and something I read about yesterday. These are those character building times where what we do when no one is looking shows us what really lies in our hearts. Point well taken and one I need to work on even more.

It's during those times where we can truly see where we need to work on the inside a little bit more.

Love and Hugs ~ Kat

Beth in NC said...

So convicting! Unfortunately, when I'm under pressure I don't hear angels singing. Ha.

Thank you for the reminder!

Saleslady371 said...

The real me comes out under pressure. Then I see where the weakness is so I can work on that. I like to think that Jesus can take that very weak part of me and turn it into my greatest strength. Only He can!

Kathleen said...

There's nothing quite like a life-lesson to put punch to the scriptures!

I know when I'm stressed that I'd better double up my efforts to guard my heart, watch my tongue, and tether myself to the cross. Otherwise it's me that's cross.


Loren said...

Man this one speaks volumes to me right now! I am soooo testy and while I would love to blame it all on the prednisone I know the truth is I have the fruit of the Spirit of self control and I NEED to allow HIM to work in me and not let my flesh win over and over!!

LOVE YOU so much!

He & Me + 3 said...

You got me girly. I so need to grow some patience. I need to learn to deal better with my trials. Thank you for the challenge. My trials are so small compared to the cross.