Why I Count it all Joy Wednesday

Welcome to Why I Count It All Joy Wednesday!! To join in on all the JOY, grab my button, make your own JOY list, it doesn’t have to be long, one thing, one hundred things, it doesn’t matter, just find your JOY and come back and link up so you can share it with us.  Remember JOY is contagious!!

I am filled with JOY because it is almost Christmas!!
I am filled with JOY because of the way my house looks when I round the corner and can see all the lights!!  Thanks honey!!
I am filled with JOY because I am getting to spend so much extra time with my kiddos!!
I am filled with JOY because Shane is an awesome dad to Slaid!!
I am filled with JOY because I get to see both my grandbabies daily!!
I am filled with JOY because Drew finished another semester of college with a 4.0!!  You are amazing Drew!!
I am filled with JOY because it’s almost Christmas Eve and one of our favorite traditions is we make a huge bed on the floor and we all sleep together so we can wake up together on Christmas morning!!  It is always so silly and fun, even our big kids still really enjoy it.
I am filled with JOY because Adam and Isaac made Christmas beanies for the newborn babies at the hospital!!
I am filled with JOY because I took a month off from book reviews and have been able to read a few I have been dying to read that I don’t have to do reviews on.
I am filled with JOY because we got to go to Rhema (a huge light display) and walk around and see the lights and then stop for a hot drink with the kids!!  
I am filled with JOY because I got to go to dinner with three of my favorite ladies Monday night!!
I could just go on and on this week!!  JOY is in the air!!  I know for some it is a season of  heartache and sadness.  It’s such a hard time if you have lost someone special, I know I sure miss my mom, but the Lord gives us great JOY even in the bad/hard/sad times, we just have to stop and look for it.

For to us a child is born,  us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.  Isaiah 9:6

What is bringing you JOY this week??
Love you all and I am Joyful believing you will a have a JOYfilled Christmas!!

Counting it all JOY!!

Why I Count it all Joy Wednesday

Welcome to Why I Count It All Joy Wednesday!! To join in on all the JOY, grab my button, make your own JOY list, it doesn’t have to be long, one thing, one hundred things, it doesn’t matter, just find your JOY and come back and link up so you can share it with us.  Remember JOY is contagious!!
I am filled with JOY because Jesus LOVES me!!
I am filled with JOY because we went to the Christmas Train on Sunday and even though we about froze to death, we had a great time with friends and family!!
I am filled with JOY because every night my kids gather around and we pray together for all the things we all have to pray for!!
I am filled with JOY because we drove around and looked at Christmas lights last night.
I am filled with JOY because we are on Christmas break and I love just hangin’ with my kids.
I am filled with JOY because I am almost finished Christmas shopping.
I am filled with JOY because even though Shane has to deploy in February, we still have 2 months with him and we are going to take advantage of every minute!!
I am filled with JOY because I have two precious grandkids and I get to spend lots of time with them!!
I am filled with JOY because Adam and Isaac are constantly hilarious and keep us all laughing!!
I am filled with JOY because even though my posts have been few and far between and I have been too busy to get around to even my favorite blogs, you guys still come visit me and some of you even link up!!  I love my bloggy friends!!

You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.  Psalm 16:11
What is filling you with JOY this week?
Counting it all JOY!!

Update on Dad

Dad’s procedure went well this morning.  The valve problem wasn’t as bad as they had first thought so they feel treating it with medication and watching it is a way better solution right now then going back in to fix it.  The blockage they thought was in the main arteries is actually in the small ones.  The good news, they are too small to do a bypass or put in stents.  The bad news, they really can’t do anything about them.  They will treat him with medication for fluid retention but say his risk of Congested Heart Failure is really high.  His heart contracts good (pumps in) but the relaxing part (pumping out) is really weak.  They are hoping to be able to treat this with medication and diet.  
So we are thrilled they aren’t going back in to do anything but hate that what they found can’t really be fixed.  We are now continuing to pray for complete healing and that he can adjust well to the new diet, (no salt, no fast food, nothing out of a can at all, etc).  
He’s only 67 so prayerfully we can get on top of this before it gets any worse.
Thank you for the love and prayers!!
Counting it all JOY!!

Prayer for my Dad!!

Oh how I miss visiting you all and hearing what is going on in your worlds and also sharing what is going on in mine.  We have so many huge things going on right now!!  I will be back as soon as I can.
In the meantime, I wanted to ask for prayer for my dad!!  He will be having exploratory surgery this morning on his heart.  They have found a major blockage on the front of his heart and a bad valve.  They don’t feel he can withstand the amount of time it would take to assess the damage and repair it all in the same procedure so they will go in, make a plan, and then go back in at a later date to try to repair it.
After losing mom a year ago, this news has been hard to hear!!!  I know the Lord has a plan though, and I am trusting Him completely!!
I will try to update this later in the day!!  Thank you so much for your prayers!!
Counting it all JOY!!

Why I Count it all Joy Wednesday

Welcome to Why I Count It All Joy Wednesday!! To join in on all the JOY, grab my button, make your own JOY list, it doesn’t have to be long, one thing, one hundred things, it doesn’t matter, just find your JOY and come back and link up so you can share it with us.  Remember JOY is contagious!!

This week I decided to change it up a bit!!!  
I am always filled with JOY during the Christmas season because it seems we are constantly reminded of all the JOY surrounding us and we don’t have to look too hard to find it.
  The pictures aren't the greatest because I took them with my phone, 
but it sure made me smile, and it was fun!! 

The boys even got into it!!!

What’s reminding you to find the JOY???
Counting it all JOY!!

Why I Count it all Joy Wednesday

Welcome to Why I Count It All Joy Wednesday!! To join in on all the JOY, grab my button, make your own JOY list, it doesn’t have to be long, one thing, one hundred things, it doesn’t matter, just find your JOY and come back and link up so you can share it with us.  Remember JOY is contagious!!
I am filled with JOY because at this time of the year, everywhere you go you can find things that say JOY!!
I am filled with JOY because we only have one more week of school and then CHRISTMAS BREAK!!
I am filled with JOY because it feels like Christmas in my house!!
I am filled with JOY because my dad has been having some trouble with his legs swelling lately and after multiple tests, they have found a large blockage on the front of his heart.  The JOY - they are going to be able to fix this and if his legs hadn’t swelled, they wouldn’t have found the blockage and he could have had a major heart attack.
I am filled with JOY because I ate a TON over Thanksgiving weekend but I didn’t gain any weight!!
I am filled with JOY because Shane’s birthday is this weekend and even though he is getting deployed at the first of the year, he will be home for us to celebrate with him!!
I am filled with JOY because we bought tickets to the Christmas Train and I can’t wait to go, I haven’t been in years!!
I am filled with JOY because I have been able to catch up with several old friends lately!!
I am filled with JOY because I found time to do my JOY post!!
I am filled with JOY because I have a few wonderful JOY friends who love helping me spread the JOY!!
I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.  John 15:11
What is bringing you JOY this week??
Counting it all Joy!!