Why I “Count it all Joy” Wednesday

Welcome to Why I Count It All Joy Wednesday!! To join in on all the JOY, grab my button, make your own JOY list, it doesn’t have to be long, one thing, one hundred things, it doesn’t matter, just find your JOY and come back and link up so you can share it with us.  Remember JOY is contagious!!
I am filled with JOY because Jesus loves me and lifts me up and carries me when I don’t feel like walking.
I am filled with JOY because I got to go shopping in Branson last weekend to shop and I got some really good deals, and a start on Christmas shopping.
I am filled with JOY because Dan is home this week.
I am filled with JOY because this week is Fall Break and we are playing together.
I am filled with JOY because last week in the midst of dealing with the death of Aunt Vicki, I got to be present during the ultrasound for our new grandbaby!  He is so cute and he will be here soon!!
I am filled with JOY because my kids, even the grown ones, like to hang out with me.
I am filled with JOY because I have had so many wonderful women pour into my life and help me become the mom, wife, and Nanny I am supposed to be.
I am filled with JOY because the evenings are getting cooler and there will be a fire in the fireplace in no time!!
I am filled with JOY because my kids have learned to find the JOY in situations that at face value don’t seem to be too JOYful, and have learned to enJOY the little things in life.
I am filled with JOY because week after week you guys come back and help me spread the JOY!!
But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy.  Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you.  Psalm 5:11
What is filling you with JOY this week?

Counting it all JOY!!


Kim @ Homesteader's Heart said...

I always break out in the Joy Joy Joy song when I come by on Wednesdays. It is Wednesday right? LOL!
I've gotten a start on Christmas shopping too and it feels really good.
Have a JOY-filled day my friend.

Mich said...

You keep passing the joy along.

As always, I love your list. Hope you are having a beautiful week.

Loren said...

I am sooo with you on the fire soon!!! I CAN'T WAIT!!

I am sooo glad you all are having a good fall break! and that Dan is home to enjoy it as well :)

You are a wonderful momma, nanny, and friend!! I am thankful to all those women as well :)

Love you and look forward to our day together!